Corporate Ethics
The term “business gifts” refers to business entertainment, as well as gift items. The giving or receiving of appropriate business gifts is a customary way to strengthen business relationships and, with restriction, is a lawful business practice. You must exercise good judgment and moderation in order to avoid misinterpretation and any resulting adverse effect on the reputation of the Company or its employees. You must never offer, give, solicit, or receive any form of bribe. It is important that all relationships with suppliers, customers, and other parties be based on lawful, efficient and fair business practices. Bestar employees may not accept gifts, favors, entertainment or other inducements from any person or organization that does or seeks to do business with, or is a competitor of the Company, if doing so would violate Company policy or interests. Any gifts which we receive must be reasonable in cost, quantity and frequency. You should never accept a gift of cash or cash equivalent. Entertainment, tickets, small gifts, promotional items, and other incidental benefits may be accepted if the purpose is to hold bona fide business discussions or to foster better accommodations. Circumstances include, but are not limited to the following:
- They are consistent with acceptable business customs and practices
- They are of reasonable value and not given or received on a repetitive basis
- They are for a Company business purpose
- They are not illegal
- We do not solicit them
- They will not cause and would not reasonably be perceived to cause us to alter normal business judgment concerning any transaction carried out on behalf of the Company
- They would not be an embarrassment to the Company or to us as Bestar employees if publicly disclosed
Bestar requires employees to report any business gift, favor, or entertainment (other than business meals) given or received, that has a value of $100 CAD. Business and/or entertainment events sponsored by Bestar must receive advance approval of the office of the CEO where expenditures will exceed $1,000 CAD. Further guidance may be obtained by consulting the Bestar Travel and Entertainment Policy. As a general rule, when in doubt, do not accept, give, or expense gifts or entertainment. Consult with Human Resources if you have any doubt about the propriety of a gift or entertainment.
Health and Safety
At Bestar, we have worked hard over the past several years to achieve a safe workplace, and the type of safety record we can be proud of. Having a safe workplace is one of the most important benefits we offer to our employees and their loved ones. We are committed to ensuring a safe working environment for everyone. We do this by following strict safety and health rules and practices, including:
- Requiring every location to have an active safety program that is strongly supported by its management team.
- Rigorously adhering to the established safety procedures, following safety practices and avoiding shortcuts.
- Not tolerating any threats of harm – either direct or indirect – or any conduct that harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another employee’s work or performance or creates an intimidating, hostile work environment.
- Prohibiting the possession of weapons and other dangerous devices by Bestar employees, contractors, vendors, and visitors at all times on the property of the Company, and by Bestar employees while on the property of its suppliers or its customers; and prohibiting substance abuse.
Labor and Human Rights
Promoting teamwork and excellence demands a working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, or other intimidating personal behavior. All Bush facilities worldwide must maintain a professional and harassment-free working environment. They are places where employees should act with respect for one another and for those with whom we do business. The following behavior is expressly prohibited:
- Unwelcome conduct – whether verbal, physical, or visual – that is based on a person’s protected status, such as race, religion, gender, age, national origin, citizenship status, disability, sexual orientation, former military status or any other protected status.
- Abusive language, physical behavior that deliberately causes injury to another or any disorderly conduct or malicious disturbance. This includes intimidation or harassment of others.
- Sexual Harassment – this includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, as well as other physical, verbal, or visual conduct based on sex when submission to the conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment or advancement or when the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual’s work performance by creating a hostile, offensive, or intimidating working environment.
Sexual harassment is conduct based upon sex, whether directed toward a person of the same or opposite sex. In addition to covering all employees, Bestar’s harassment-free workplace policy extends to outside vendors, customers, professionals, and other providers of goods or services to any Bestar location worldwide. Note that this policy applies to both work-related settings and company-organized activities outside of the workplace.
As a company, we expect that all employees treat one another with respect and dignity. Each employee has a unique role in making Bestar a better and more rewarding place to work. Our values are richly embedded in this commitment and are backed by our philosophy as outlined in this document. Equal opportunity and fair treatment extend to all employees. Bestar specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, gender, former military status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Decisions are to be based on the individual applicant’s or employee’s qualifications as they relate to the particular job. In addition to complying with U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws, Bestar managers must comply with all other civil rights, human rights, and labor laws around the world where legally applicable. We are committed to providing an environment that values diversity with a conscious desire to achieve understanding, respect, inclusion and continuous learning. Managers attended training in Workplace Harassment and Diversity to underscore the importance of these values at Bestar. Our values show our commitment to being good citizens and acting in a socially responsible way in the communities we live in and work in around the world.